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SID Token (SIDT)

SID (Share Internet Data) is a peer-to-multi-peer decentralized internet sharing system that allows sharing internet from one person’s Android smartphone to another nearby in an automated manner. One of our key missions through the SID project: “To lift as many people as possible out of poverty by means of giving the less fortunate a way to access the Internet”. Certain users will be able to get free Internet access by obtaining tokens in exchange for consuming advertising. Such obtained tokens can then be used to consume internet megabytes from other nearby Users in exchange for tokens OR Users will simply trade some of their tokens directly with other SID Users. Those trades will be done through a secured blockchain, on a public exchange to ensure full transparency, with the control of the tokens and the control of sharing internet or not fully decentralized, meaning solely under end-user’s control through their post ITO (Initial Token Offering) future token Wallet in the SID App.

Exchange Exmarkets
Type Utility
Start Date 15 Nov, 2018
End Date 31st Mar 2019
Price 0.0113 USD
Token for SALE 10,25,00,00,000
Platform Stellar
Country Gibraltar
Bitcoin Talk Open
Medium Open
Medium Open
Website Open
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